Monday, January 19, 2009

Does Pink make you Think? (The Color, not the Singer)

Beautiful website of art and the artists. Visit it, will you? flash/arts.html

These pillows are by #31. Very talented. The pillows are gigantic and snuggly wuggly. Info:


Prinsengracht 715
P.O. Box 59602
1040 LC Amsterdam

Tel: +31 (0) 20 - 4236221
Fax: +31 (0) 20 - 4232429

#31 is currently looking for resellers/agents
in Benelux, Europe and worldwide.
If you are interested please contact

For those who have not...

experienced them as of yet. Here is a sweet introduction. From me to you:

Little Dragon hails from Sweden. Sweden holds a dear dear place in my heart. I had a boyfriend in those part by the name of Magnus. I was deadset on moving there, a Sista was working overtime to get that lovin' alas, life took a different turn. I still plan on taking a trip there and Manki still has a place in my heart. He truly is a cosmically unique and rare gem. Let's celebrate Sweden for a bit, shall we? Namely, Stockholm. They LOVE the funk over there. Cool?? I would say so.

If you don't know that I am a Prince just don't pay ANY attention to me. Everyone from associates to enemies (though I have no enemies, um hm) understands this idea, this fact. I must give notice to Prince's new website. Yes, he has gone through tremendous changes, experienced sublime highs, unfathomable lows. I love him just the same. His new home on the Net is right here:

New music for the '09 is going to be lifted upon us. I am excited , are you??? This new year brings 3 new albums for us to partake in. The keyword is "new" it seems :):

1. "MPLSOUND" :this title turns me on, I am eagerly anticipating my first trip to Minneapolis. Oh, I can not wait
2. Protege Bria Valente's "Elixir": I heart Bria's voice, so very sensual and beautiful. P said that he got tired of waiting on Sade to release another album. I feel you Brother.
3."Lotus Flower": a gorgeous return to "the instrument" with P focusing more on the beauty of musicianship. Don't you just love musicians? I certainly do.

I will include links to a couple very recent interviews for you to enjoy and so that you can get info direct from the horse's mouth.

~1,000 Hugs & Kiss from Ida


Part 1.

Part 2.

Betty was so BAD...

Miles Davis married her. He was so lucky and he knew it. He also knew that he couldn't keep up with her. Musically, she opened his whole-wide world..up. She introduced him to Jimi Hendrix (he divorced her over allegations that she and Jimi were doing the horizontal MC Hammer, but she vehemently denies this, I believe her). She turned him on so much that he began to create that psychadelic jazz fusion i.e. Bitches Brew. If you don't know much 'bout Betty, I wanted to take the time to school you. Look & Listen. Betty was doing, singing, being things that just were lightyears beyond any stratosphere known to man at the time and especially not known to woman.

That is a START to whet your appetite. There is plenty more where that came from but alas, not nearly enough.

Love to Ms. Betty Davis...


These are utterly awesome, are they not?

Oohh it's Peace Day, Love & Peace, Change, all the...

good stuff in the Universe!
Hello everyone, I am embarking on quite a journey today. Well, I've actually already started, BUT it doesn't feel "official" until today. I can not tell you what the journey is, it's private, confidential business. Don't ask because I won't tell you. Don't ask!

On to other things, I am discovering that the essence of life (besides LOVE, LOVE people) is to accept. With acceptance comes progression. You no longer linger on the past or trying to change things that you can't control (or can control even). With acceptance comes clarity. Your mind gets a nice vacuuming and dusting. Old, useless trinkets get trashed. Not EVERYTHING old, just the old that has no significance. All of a sudden, you have room in there for RIGHT NOW, for new ideas, for new reasons to smile. Now, just because you have that golden, glistening glow of acceptance in your life, still bring up old stuff in order to crack jokes on people. You can't do that without bringing up some old stuff sometimes! In other words, always keep your sense of humor. It will continuously open doors for you and it keeps you young. That and stirrups. Ladies, wear stirrups if you want to look young, takes 10 years off your life. (you BETTER not)

Actually, these are pretty sexaaay:

These are NOT: