Monday, January 19, 2009

Oohh it's Peace Day, Love & Peace, Change, all the...

good stuff in the Universe!
Hello everyone, I am embarking on quite a journey today. Well, I've actually already started, BUT it doesn't feel "official" until today. I can not tell you what the journey is, it's private, confidential business. Don't ask because I won't tell you. Don't ask!

On to other things, I am discovering that the essence of life (besides LOVE, LOVE people) is to accept. With acceptance comes progression. You no longer linger on the past or trying to change things that you can't control (or can control even). With acceptance comes clarity. Your mind gets a nice vacuuming and dusting. Old, useless trinkets get trashed. Not EVERYTHING old, just the old that has no significance. All of a sudden, you have room in there for RIGHT NOW, for new ideas, for new reasons to smile. Now, just because you have that golden, glistening glow of acceptance in your life, still bring up old stuff in order to crack jokes on people. You can't do that without bringing up some old stuff sometimes! In other words, always keep your sense of humor. It will continuously open doors for you and it keeps you young. That and stirrups. Ladies, wear stirrups if you want to look young, takes 10 years off your life. (you BETTER not)

Actually, these are pretty sexaaay:

These are NOT:

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