Sunday, March 8, 2009


Most people do not know who Nikola Tesla is. This is quite a shame on some levels for his mind was one of the brilliant of his time. Because of the circles I run in (and the fact that I am such a nerd, proudly so), I have known about him for ages. He didn't play the game like the rest of his contemporaries so they did what people do in "the game", they stole his ideas and profited from them while Tesla died broke and bitter. I am inspired by his work and wanted you to know something about him as well. Learn from him and his story. It doesn't always have to end so sadly. Always know what you are getting yourself into, for preparation is the key. Take a look:
The life story and work of Nikola Tesla. He invented AC electricity, Neon Lights, Radio transmission, The Electric motor, Wireless electricity transfer, Remote control, Hydraulics, Lasers, Space weapons, Robotics, and many, many more things.

As Tesla claimed to have invented a way to harness free energy from the voltage difference in the ionosphere that causes lighning, he was seen as a threat to the world energy economy and most of his inventions were classified for national securtiy by the US govenment.

A lot of his discoveries in physics have not been released to the public, depsite being invented nearly 100 years ago. Other technologies not yet released to the public include HAARP Elecromagnetic technology and high energy directed particle beams used in space weapons.

Some Electromechanical devices and principles developed by Tesla:

* various devices that use rotating magnetic fields (1882)
* induction motor and high frequency alternator
* means for increasing the intensity of electrical oscillations
* alternating current long-distance electrical transmission system (1888)
* Tesla coil
* bladeless turbine
* bifilar coil
* Telegeodynamics
* systems for wireless communication (prior art for the invention of radio) and radio frequency oscillators
* robotics and the "AND" logic gate
* X-rays Tubes using the bremsstrahlung process
* devices for ionized gases
* devices for high field emission
* devices for charged particle beams
* methods for providing extremely low level of resistance to the passage of electrical current
* voltage multiplication circuitry
* devices for high voltage discharges
* devices for lightning protection
* Magnifying Transmitter
* VTOL aircraft
* Dynamic theory of gravity
* concepts for electric vehicles

1 comment:

Skoo Ⅱ said...

I like your article. Very informative.
And the quote is inspiring, too.
P.S. the spam comment of "nba"is really annoying