Saturday, May 23, 2009

I Can't Give You Too Much

In dreams, you wake up
most of those things dissapate
those images, those colors, those sounds
What stays?
The most potent, the most quiet


I have found that people I have the pleasure of meeting,
all tell me, things they have either never talked about
or things they haven't talked about in a long time.
I attribute this to my alien nature, they can sense that
I am feeling and I won't be scared of whatever they divulge.
I will challenge them and I think they want to be challenged.
They want someone to care enough to say something, anything.
They know that I won't just say something, I will feel
what they have told me and speak only words that
dignify and truly acknowledge their experience.

-I. Bailey

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Impossible feels...

so wondrous.
The unbelievable, so very non-ficitional.
If everyone, on their private cloud,
joined the circle,
the raindance would bring
heady drops and yellow stars.
Once you return to your private cloud,
the sounds would be so much more
and you can hear me asking you,
what do the real Angels do.
Impossible feels like a red drink,
fruity but not quite sure of which kind.
Just sweet, seemingly artificial,
but leaving stains on your tongue in the meantime.

-I. Bailey

Ya jinglin' baby, go 'head baby...

2008, [] Basel, Foto: Stefan Holenstein

If you take everything you experience and roll it up into
a little ball,
what color would that ball be?
What would that color represent for you?
As I begin this ultra simplification of my life,
I am extremely topsy-turvy,
lots of greens, blues, pinks, 'purples,
acceptance or maybe more release of what I am
as an artist,
what I am "meant" to create,
"meant" to do,
"meant" to represent.
Music is something of an enigma to me.
It pretty much scares the world out of me because I
love it too much, adore the rapture it puts on me, but
drunk with the perception
that I couldn't make a living doing it.
This is absurd and I truly feel
that I say this to myself
to prevent myself from becoming
what I know I am and have always been,
a performer.
Self sabotage is a b*tch. She likes to make you believe
that you aren't doing it to yourself, that she is in control,
doing the damage.
But it's all you.
Regardless, bunnies and carrots, I am done and
seemingly free.
Let's see how long this one last....

The live show will only entail myself and the musician who
helped me to create the music. Very simple, very
open, honest and pure in the funkiest aspect of the word.
You have to begin, you must start and you mustn't make an excuse.
Use what you have. Before coming across producers that I might
have exchanged a nice energy with, I just sat in my room, wrote,
recorded. It's forever a grass-roots movement, even when the money
rolls in on it's white horse to save you. It's STILL a grass-roots movement
because the watering of that beautfiul grass is always left up to you.
Maintain it.

Happiness is definitely showing on my face, in my spirit,
so is some blind determination, some confused motivation,
but it goes full speed ahead.

Chiho Aoshima, Japanese Apricot 3 - A pink dream, 2007. (bigger version Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin)

Friday, April 3, 2009

What blossoming feels like....

The scene has been evolving so very much lately. Coming up, I have the auditions for my new band. I can't describe how excited I am about this venture. Just thrilling! It takes alot of work to achieve anything, whether it be mental, spiritual, physical, a combination of all. It's interesting though, because the process seems effortless, but you look up and realize with awe that you have changed. Your thought processes have changed, your perception of the world around you and within you has all changed. The key is to never feel like it is "work" and to always feel great about everything you do. I like to crack jokes, I am such a jokester, so criticism is a part of that, but it is all in good fun. The essence of my existance is one steeped in perpetual optimism. This fuels the fires for, does wonders for your life and spirit.

I will have loads of info on my new project and I will defintiely be sure to let you know all of the updates!

I was revisiting tribal bellydance tonight. I first feel in love with this art form years ago while living in San Diego. That was such a strange part of my life. I felt so stationary, so low in energetic reach, but I am forever the explorer and I stumbled upon this craft with sheer amazement. I even took a a few classes, believing that since I have a natural affinity for dance and hip movement that it would be a piece of cake. HA haha HA! Was I in for an awakening, but I adore challenges and this certainly is a beautiful one! Rachel Brice is a world-renown tribal bellydancer. I would love to share her with you. Enjoy!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Dr. Lonnie Smith & Lonnie Liston Smith

I love them both. Such surreal and beautiful musicians...

Because Pimpology is a Science and I am all for Science...

Science and Comedy that is...

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Most people do not know who Nikola Tesla is. This is quite a shame on some levels for his mind was one of the brilliant of his time. Because of the circles I run in (and the fact that I am such a nerd, proudly so), I have known about him for ages. He didn't play the game like the rest of his contemporaries so they did what people do in "the game", they stole his ideas and profited from them while Tesla died broke and bitter. I am inspired by his work and wanted you to know something about him as well. Learn from him and his story. It doesn't always have to end so sadly. Always know what you are getting yourself into, for preparation is the key. Take a look:
The life story and work of Nikola Tesla. He invented AC electricity, Neon Lights, Radio transmission, The Electric motor, Wireless electricity transfer, Remote control, Hydraulics, Lasers, Space weapons, Robotics, and many, many more things.

As Tesla claimed to have invented a way to harness free energy from the voltage difference in the ionosphere that causes lighning, he was seen as a threat to the world energy economy and most of his inventions were classified for national securtiy by the US govenment.

A lot of his discoveries in physics have not been released to the public, depsite being invented nearly 100 years ago. Other technologies not yet released to the public include HAARP Elecromagnetic technology and high energy directed particle beams used in space weapons.

Some Electromechanical devices and principles developed by Tesla:

* various devices that use rotating magnetic fields (1882)
* induction motor and high frequency alternator
* means for increasing the intensity of electrical oscillations
* alternating current long-distance electrical transmission system (1888)
* Tesla coil
* bladeless turbine
* bifilar coil
* Telegeodynamics
* systems for wireless communication (prior art for the invention of radio) and radio frequency oscillators
* robotics and the "AND" logic gate
* X-rays Tubes using the bremsstrahlung process
* devices for ionized gases
* devices for high field emission
* devices for charged particle beams
* methods for providing extremely low level of resistance to the passage of electrical current
* voltage multiplication circuitry
* devices for high voltage discharges
* devices for lightning protection
* Magnifying Transmitter
* VTOL aircraft
* Dynamic theory of gravity
* concepts for electric vehicles

Who is Ace Fillmore?

So this weird filmmaker contacted me after viewing one of my photos that happened to fit the essence of a script he wrote. This one:

His name is Ace Fillmore (of course not his real name, I think his real name is Jerome or Claude or Cleofus). He likes waffles and he's a complete chauvinist pig. I heart Ace's mind and artistic spirit. He has no qualms about taking risks and has a decidedly "eclectic" array of interests. These are things that we have in common and as collaborators, it's a truly magnificent thing. We are working on some projects together that I am very excited about! I also can call him at 3am and he will answer the phone. What a trooper! lol

Here is one of Ace's short films. He describes it as his "weirdest" one. I wanted to show you guys a scene from his "tribute to the 50s" work, but he can't let it out the bag yet. It's truly wonderful to view, very high quality, looks like a Hitchcock outtake. I love his more guerrilla style as well. I think you will like it too:

Short Film containing a mixture of stock footage shot from the past couple years combined into a twisting story played to the music of bernard herrmann from the taxi driver score

Directed by Ace Fillmore
Lucid Saturated Dreams

Roland Orzabal "Day by Day"

I have a great appreciation for Roland's work. Here is a clip featuring a song from his "Tomcats Screaming Outside" album:)

Laleh, J*Davey, Titiyo

These are some sounds and visuals for you, to spark some thoughts, give form to some new ideas, where ever they may take you.

Miles "Tutu"

My dear dear Foley is playing in this clip with the thrill of a man himself, Miles. Foley is playing the bluish-purple bass, which he would play like a guitar. I just spoke to him and he is doing very well, still playing with some of the most skilled musicians in the world. I will post a link to his youtube if he wants me to. He likes to stay under the radar doing his thing on the DL LOL. In this clip, there are so many wonderful musicians playing. Marcus Miller anyone?

It's Coming...

How the heck has everyone been???? I'm not even sure anyone reads this yet, but for those who might, I hope that all has been progressive with you. Life has been a whirlwind, a rollarcoaster ride. I am a Pisces with Gemini Rising and more Virgo planets than any other. I also am a Leo North Node. Now, the planets alignment at our birth has only a small portion to do with who we are in this presence right now, but it can give you a pretty intriguing glimpse into anyone. That being said, my mind goes a mile a minute, but can also go beautifully silent at the drop of a hat. My life's decisions have always been "unconventional", maybe strange to some, but I certainly have gained and continue to gain a vast vast appreciation for them. Pure appreciation, for my life is so juicy and I owe that to my weirdness. This makes me smile. You must embrace yourself, your changes, your duality, your beauty in all its forms.

Now, the time has come to finally get all kinds of things poppin off. For starters, my new EP is coming, it's coming and she is so crucial. This baby has been in the making since I made my return to L.A. It took all kinds of experiences to get life going in the flow of her creation being continued. It's been deep my loves, very deep, very spiritual. At am at a point of extreme gratitude and fulfillment. It takesnot being afraid to get here. I think once you take risks and come out the other end better than before, you gain trust in yourself. This is of such high importance.

I have so many things to purchase. I need a car, a laptop, a camera and tons of little knick-knacks, all for the pure purpose of creation. It's an exciting time for I am in full abundance, full power! There is no other way to live. My entire push for this project is being funded by yours truly and I could not be more thrilled. This is a stupendous time for the artist (and we are ALL artists of our lives, remember that). You must work hard, you must take care of yourself and in turn, you can truly make anything happen with the continual dawn of technology and broadened awareness all around. It;s the perfect time for a Spirit like me, for I relish the opportunity to DIY. This also includes my close comrades. We are in the same boat, helping each other accomplish our tasks, appreciating the talents of each other, fueling the fires of the circle.

The new EP has a sound that sprang up unexpectedly. It came from the beauty in 2 people just letting what wanted to flow, flow. I am so proud of it. I have a slew of ideas for the campaign push and I can't wait to share them with you. Videos, graphic work, shows. The connection will not be filtered:)

Until next time, love each other, support, indulge, push, and grow! It's all in the name of the same thing for everyone.

~Ida B.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Does Pink make you Think? (The Color, not the Singer)

Beautiful website of art and the artists. Visit it, will you? flash/arts.html

These pillows are by #31. Very talented. The pillows are gigantic and snuggly wuggly. Info:


Prinsengracht 715
P.O. Box 59602
1040 LC Amsterdam

Tel: +31 (0) 20 - 4236221
Fax: +31 (0) 20 - 4232429

#31 is currently looking for resellers/agents
in Benelux, Europe and worldwide.
If you are interested please contact

For those who have not...

experienced them as of yet. Here is a sweet introduction. From me to you:

Little Dragon hails from Sweden. Sweden holds a dear dear place in my heart. I had a boyfriend in those part by the name of Magnus. I was deadset on moving there, a Sista was working overtime to get that lovin' alas, life took a different turn. I still plan on taking a trip there and Manki still has a place in my heart. He truly is a cosmically unique and rare gem. Let's celebrate Sweden for a bit, shall we? Namely, Stockholm. They LOVE the funk over there. Cool?? I would say so.

If you don't know that I am a Prince just don't pay ANY attention to me. Everyone from associates to enemies (though I have no enemies, um hm) understands this idea, this fact. I must give notice to Prince's new website. Yes, he has gone through tremendous changes, experienced sublime highs, unfathomable lows. I love him just the same. His new home on the Net is right here:

New music for the '09 is going to be lifted upon us. I am excited , are you??? This new year brings 3 new albums for us to partake in. The keyword is "new" it seems :):

1. "MPLSOUND" :this title turns me on, I am eagerly anticipating my first trip to Minneapolis. Oh, I can not wait
2. Protege Bria Valente's "Elixir": I heart Bria's voice, so very sensual and beautiful. P said that he got tired of waiting on Sade to release another album. I feel you Brother.
3."Lotus Flower": a gorgeous return to "the instrument" with P focusing more on the beauty of musicianship. Don't you just love musicians? I certainly do.

I will include links to a couple very recent interviews for you to enjoy and so that you can get info direct from the horse's mouth.

~1,000 Hugs & Kiss from Ida


Part 1.

Part 2.

Betty was so BAD...

Miles Davis married her. He was so lucky and he knew it. He also knew that he couldn't keep up with her. Musically, she opened his whole-wide world..up. She introduced him to Jimi Hendrix (he divorced her over allegations that she and Jimi were doing the horizontal MC Hammer, but she vehemently denies this, I believe her). She turned him on so much that he began to create that psychadelic jazz fusion i.e. Bitches Brew. If you don't know much 'bout Betty, I wanted to take the time to school you. Look & Listen. Betty was doing, singing, being things that just were lightyears beyond any stratosphere known to man at the time and especially not known to woman.

That is a START to whet your appetite. There is plenty more where that came from but alas, not nearly enough.

Love to Ms. Betty Davis...


These are utterly awesome, are they not?

Oohh it's Peace Day, Love & Peace, Change, all the...

good stuff in the Universe!
Hello everyone, I am embarking on quite a journey today. Well, I've actually already started, BUT it doesn't feel "official" until today. I can not tell you what the journey is, it's private, confidential business. Don't ask because I won't tell you. Don't ask!

On to other things, I am discovering that the essence of life (besides LOVE, LOVE people) is to accept. With acceptance comes progression. You no longer linger on the past or trying to change things that you can't control (or can control even). With acceptance comes clarity. Your mind gets a nice vacuuming and dusting. Old, useless trinkets get trashed. Not EVERYTHING old, just the old that has no significance. All of a sudden, you have room in there for RIGHT NOW, for new ideas, for new reasons to smile. Now, just because you have that golden, glistening glow of acceptance in your life, still bring up old stuff in order to crack jokes on people. You can't do that without bringing up some old stuff sometimes! In other words, always keep your sense of humor. It will continuously open doors for you and it keeps you young. That and stirrups. Ladies, wear stirrups if you want to look young, takes 10 years off your life. (you BETTER not)

Actually, these are pretty sexaaay:

These are NOT: